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Showing posts with the label Obama


Yesterday Obama gave his last State of the Union (SOTU) address and #SOTU was trending on Twitter. I downloaded 200K tweets and then analyzed only the original tweets while excluding retweets. This is now my standard format. I also reduced the number of words to show in the wordcloud. I now show only the top 50 instead of top 100 previously. The obvious words that showed up frequently are POTUS and Obama. Similarly, "president" shows up often. But there were many positive words appearing frequently - like, believe, easier, better, right, truth, strong, love, clear, good. The sentiment overall was neutral but positive tweets far outweighed negative ones.

David Spade

Maybe you don't know the stand up comedian David Spade. But when you will see his picture, maybe you will remember him. Today was a slow day for me on Twitter because all the trending hashtags looked too boring. So there was this minor controversy around David Spade criticizing Obama, which was trending on Twitter and somewhat interesting for me. " David Spade " by dodge challenger1 - Image:David Spade in car.jpg , cropped. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Commons . This is what David Spade said about Obama: Basically, he was criticizing Obama for being too media savvy and doing sort of things that are not presidential Honestly, first I thought that he was trending because he died. I was not the only one though. There were a few more people on Twitter who thought so as well. David Spade trending. Thought he died.💀 — Elle@TeamBlonde (@ElleTeamBlonde) December 28, 201