Jeb Bush did it. Finally, I have a sentiment graph where the negativity is more than the positivity! Some background merits a mention. Jeb Bush is running for the GOP primaries and his campagn manager thought that it would be a good idea to launch #JebCanFixIt hashtag. It just so happened that it wasn't a good idea. The hashtag was provocative and couldn't be easily hijacked. That's exactly what happened. People started making fun of Jeb Bush by using this hashtag. Note that one doesn't have any control over how people use the hashtag. This is a good lesson for all the social media managers!
If you want to read more about this check out this news story:
Well, there is nothing much interesting in the wordcloud itself except that Vernon shows up. He is in the news right now but again I don't know why he would appear with this hashtag!
"Funny" and "fails" are frequently occurring words as well. Similarly, "campaign" and "slogan" appear a lot. So many people were commenting on the failed campaign/slogan.
If you want to read more about this check out this news story:
Well, there is nothing much interesting in the wordcloud itself except that Vernon shows up. He is in the news right now but again I don't know why he would appear with this hashtag!
"Funny" and "fails" are frequently occurring words as well. Similarly, "campaign" and "slogan" appear a lot. So many people were commenting on the failed campaign/slogan.
No wonder then the sentiment was negative. But this is the first time I have a situation where the negative bar is longer than the positive bar. Good job Jeb!
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